Tuesday 20 September 2011

The initial stages of testing Locate on smart phones and tablet devices.

The initial walkthroughs by the instructional designers and learning technologist, using the latest mobile devices, allowed us to evaluate the interface and identify specific issues to the development team. The group analysis was recorded and made available to the development team for a further discussion in a scheduled LocateMe meeting.

A detailed report overview of the analysis videos can be accessed online: The five cognitive walkthrough reports.

The first video created analysed Locate using the iPad on the university WiFi network - and its unique feature of zooming in and out:

The second video to be included in the blog uses the iPhone. The task of using the iPhone (on the 3G network) was to search for a book (Operations Management) in the main university collection and find where this was located:

The final video to be referenced makes use of an ebook on the iPhone (using the 3G network):

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